Monday, October 5, 2009

Israel Boycott

Why boycott Israel? Israel has a better human rights record than any other country in the Middle East - It is a fact (see Human rights in Iran and Israel Human Rights in Israel and Elsewhere) . Homosexuals are not hanged in Israel, adulteresses are not stoned, women are not forced to wear veils. There are real elections with more than one candidate. Arabs and Jews compete for office in these elections. Arabs and Jews serve as cabinet officers and diplomats. The widest variety of opposition views are published in Israeli newspapers. Israeli Arabs have more rights than Arabs in Saudi Arabia, Egypt or Syria. They can vote, they have the right to judicial redress. Israeli Arab women have more rights than Arab women in any Muslim country. Boycotting Israel singles out one country for punishment - a country that does not deserve it. Boycotting Israel hurts Israeli and Palestinian students and faculty in Israeli universities.

Boycott Israel?

The boycott Israel campaign is a vicious crusade against peaceful conflict resolution initiated by racist ideologues to promote their own peculiar ideas. They freely admit that they do not want to end the occupation. They want to end the Jewish state, This is the boycott Israel plan in their own words: :

- The legitimacy of Israel’s regime must be challenged...

- There is no chance to change Israeli society from within, we are at a dead end and Israeli society is becoming increasingly fascist.

- We are dealing with the dismantling of power, and the question is how to convince this power to voluntarily dismantle....


Targets of boycott and sanction should be the state of Israel, but also Zionist organizations and corporations:

- There is corporate responsibility related to sanctions, divestment, boycott. For example, Caterpillar and Intel (on Iraq al-Manshiyya.). Campaigns should also target the Zionist organization (‘National Institutions’), such as WZO, JA, JNF, which are major perpetrators and maintain discrimination inside Israel.

The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel preaches humanitarian ideals to foreigners, but it tells Palestinians that "Seeds of Peace" is a "most dangerous" organization and that Palestinians who engage in dialogue are "traitors" who take crumbs from Americans and Europeans. Though the spokesman for this group is Omar Barghouti, most of the founders are Hamas-supporting Bir Zeit University lecturers.

The boycott of Israel was originated by the Arab League and smacks of the Nazi campaign to boycott Jews in the 1930s.


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